Rhythms for Life

Take Inventory: Quarantine Rhythms

Episode Summary

It's never too late to re-establish what you want your life to be about.

Episode Notes

We are so excited to launch a new series, where each week we will process one new rhythm together! Although these current, unprecedented times can ignite fear, Gabe and I are eager to walk alongside you as we navigate the unknown together. There is no better time than now to begin taking inventory. As we pause and begin to examine the different areas of our lives, our eyes may be opened to what is right, what is wrong, what is confused, and what is missing. If we do our inventories right, it will be a holy process. When we rest long enough to take inventory, we'll find new horizons opening up, horizons beyond all we could ask or imagine. 

Each of these weekly rhythms can be found in Rebekah's newest book, Rhythms of Renewal. Click HERE to get your copy! To download the audiobook and listen, click HERE!

Ready to begin Taking Inventory? Download your free guide HERE!